Lee Tsourvakas

ABBY's Mad 20th at the G'

In honour of a friends birthday-I'm sleeping at the G' to help support homeless youth. 

Here's some statistics i recently foundout:

1. more than 122,000 experience homelessness every-night in Australia

2. in august 2021, there were over 30,000 people sleeping rough every-night in Victoria.

3. Unfortunately over 7,600 young people aged 12-25 experience homelessness and sleep-rough every night in victoria. 

Want to help change these statistics? Donate today to make a start to changing the outlook for homelessness in australia.

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Thank you to my Supporters


Peter Tsourvakas


Tom Tsourvakas

Well done Lee


Ruby Price



Well done Lee! Great work from everyone at CST :-D

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